Principal Message

A teacher is a nation builder, he affects eternity and can never tell where his influence stops. The destiny of a country is shaped in the class rooms of the schools and those who would shape the young minds in the class rooms are shaped here in DIET. I wish all the pupil-teachers in DIET Bilaspur to strive hard to inculcate in them the values, a teacher must have and to develop their professional competencies to come to the expectation of society as a teacher.

Serving teachers must sharpen and polish their skills to move in pace with changing educational scenario. DIET is ready to serve your needs.

As the hub of ‘Samagar Shiksha Abhiyaan’ team DIET will left no stone unturned for the upliftment of education in the district.

Best wish to all pupil-teacher in DIET, all teacher in the district Bilaspur and whole society at large.

Principal DIET
