Establishment Return of DIET, Bilaspur at Jukhala, Distt. Bilaspur staff as on 31-07-2024
Sr.No. Name of Employee Sh.Smt. Father's/Husband Name Sanctioned Post Date of Birth Date of joining in this institute. Educational qualification Cate-gory Date of Retirement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Rakesh Kumar Karam Singh Principal 15-Mar-1973 30-07-2024 M.A., B.Ed. General 31-03-2031
2 Kuldeep Chand Brij Lal Lect. in Computer 12-Apr-1973 28-Mar-2017 M.Sc. B.Ed. Gen 31-04-2031
3 Sanjay Kumar Ram Ashra Lect. Education 19-09-1974 7-Oct-2022 M.A. Eco.,M.Ed .B.Ed. Gen. 30-09-2032
4 Santosh Kumar Late Sh. Kirpa Ram Lect. ET 10-Sep-1967 27-Apr-2018 M.Sc. M.Phil (Phy) B.Ed. Gen 30-Sep-2025
5 Som Dutt Kalia Om Prakash Lect. Fine Arts 8-Dec-1968 14-Aug-2020 M.A, English, Public Ad, Education, B.Ed., M.Phil Education Gen 31-12-2026
6 Pushp Raj Sham Lal Lect Science 19-02-1967 5-May-2017 M.Sc (Phy.) B.Ed. Ph.D Gen. 28-Feb-2025
7 Rakesh Kumar Late Sh. Rabbal Ram Lect. Edu. 3-Apr-1974 16-Sep-2019 M.A. History, B.Ed. SC 30-Apr-2032
8 Digvijay Malohtra Jagat Pal Malhotra Lect. Eng. 15-Sep-1974 12-06-2024 MA, M. Ed. Gen. 30-Sep-2032
9 Ramesh Kumar Sunka Ram Lect. Science 9-Oct-1976 5-Feb-2021 M. Sc Physics, B.Ed. SC 30-10-2034
10 Neelam Sharma w/o Sh. Surinder Kumar Lect. Music 16-06-1970 16-05-2023 M.Sc Chemistry, P.hd Chemistry, B.Ed, M.Ed Gen 30-06-2028
11 Rakesh Kumar Nanku Ram Lect. Hindi 23-06-1976 30-09-2021 M.A. Hindi, English, B.Ed, MBA Gen 30-06-2034
12 Narvir Singh Chandel Pritam Singh Chandel Lect. P&M 29-08-1970 2nd August, 2022 MSc. (Phy) , B. Ed. Gen 31-08-2028
13 Kuldeep Singh Sh. Chet Ram Lect. S.Sc 29-03-1979 2nd May, 2022 M.A. History, B.Ed. SC 31-03-2037
14 Ravinder Kumar (DIET Cadre) Roshan Lal Lect. W.Exp. 11-Jun-1969 28-06-2022 M.Sc Horticulture, M.Phil Horticulture Gen 30-06-2027
15 Atul Sharma Surender Kumar Lect. Phy Edu 9-Mar-1981 1-Nov-2023 M.Sc, Botany, GeographyB.Ed. General 31-03-2039
16 Chander Kant Sh. Bansi Lal Lect. Psychology 31-10-1979 7-Nov-2023 B.Sc., M.Sc.Chemistry, B.Ed. OBC 31-10-2037
17 Kamlesh Kumari w/o Sh. Sanjeev Kumar Lect. S.Sc. 18-Jul-1982 26-Mar-2024 M.Sc. (Phy.) B.Ed. SC 31-Jul-2040
18 Vijay Kumar Sh. Nand Lal Lect. Maths 15-Jul-1985 16-Mar-2024 B.Sc. B.Ed. SC 31-Jul-2043
19 Sandeep Gautam Sukh Ram Gautam Supdt. G. II 3-May-1978 23-Sep-2019 B.A. Part-I Gen 31-May-2036
20 Sarita Kumari (DIET Cadre) W/o Sh. Rajesh Kumar Steno 3-May-1972 Plus Two, Diploma in Stenographt Gen. 31-May-2030
21 Jagat Ram Manku Ram L.A 17-05-1970 28-Apr-2016 Matric Gen 31-05-2028
22 Surendra Kumari W/o Late Sh. Jeet Ram Peon 1-Jan-1976 9-Jan-2020 5th Gen 31-Dec-2034
23 Reema Devi W/o Sh. Rattan Lal Peon 26-06-1982 8-Aug-2022 5th SC 30-06-2040
24 One post of yoga Teacher is lying vacant .
25 One post of Statistician is lying vacant.
26 One post of Asstt. Librarian is lying vacant.
27 Two Post of Senior Assistant are lying vacant.
28 Two post of Clerk are laying vacant .
29 One post of Peon is lying vacant.