Tender Notice to provide Tents Viz mats, sitting chairs light and sound along with other material as required for the installation of the tent for organisation of “PEHLI SHIKSHAK MAA” district level programme.
...Tender Notice to provide Tents Viz mats, sitting chairs light and sound along with other material as required for the installation of the tent for organisation of “PEHLI SHIKSHAK MAA” district level programme.
...Tender Notice to provide the working lunch with tea (two Times) with snacks for organisation of “PEHLI SHIKSHAK MAA” district level programme.
...Tender Notice to provide serviced for video recording along with preparation of photos etc for organisation of “ PEHLI SHIKSHAK MAA” district level programme.
...Counseling/ Interview for the Post of JBT Contract (Batch wise) Ex-serviceman ( List , Proforma and Press note)
...Tender Notice for Printing the Question Papers of SA-II
...Counseling for the post of Shastri batch wise on contract basis amongst B. Ed. TET (Shastri) qualifiers
...Revised Bio Data Form JBTs for counseling/ Interview for the Post of JBT Contract (Batch wise) ,Call Letter, Counseling Schedule for JBT 70 Post
...Counseling schedule for shastri contract basis Bilaspur HP
...counseling/ Interview for the Post of JBT Contract (Batch wise) ,Call Letter, Counseling Schedule for JBT 70 Post and Revised Bio Data Form JBTs
...Regarding Filling up of vacant posts of JBTs in the Department of Elementary Education Himachal Pradesh on contract basis.
...Tender Notice for renovate the store room.
...Invite quotations for Brass Band as per the attachment.
...Tender notice for purchase of stationeries item for the current financial year 2023-24
...Tender notice for printing of Question papers for the session 2023-24
...Tender notice to hire the goods carrier Vehicle .
...Tender Notice to purchase of computer related items
...Form of Bio-Data to be filled in by the candidate appearing for interview/counseling /Documents checking(TET qualified & Through Batch ) to the post of Language Teacher on dated 07/03/2023 purely on contract basis.
...Form of Bio-Data to be filled in by the Candidate appearing for counseling (TET qualified) Batch wise being conducted for the post of Junior Basic Teacher on dated 07.03.2023 in District Bilaspur purely on contract basis on the fixed contractual amount @Rs. Fixed salary of Rs.17820/- (i.e. equal to 60% ( sixty percent) of the firt cell of the applicable level 8