
Showing 61-80 of 99 items.

TGT counseling September 2020

TGT counseling September 2020


Tender Notice for purchase of computer items as per description.

Tender Notice for purchase of computer items as per description.


Tender Notice for Installation Generator Set

Tender Notice for Installation Generator Set


Tender Notice Tyres for TATA Sumo

Tender Notice for Tyres for TATA Sumo


Tender Notice for Photostat Machine

Tender Notice for Photostat Machine


Regarding D.El.Ed 1st Year session 2019-21

Regarding D.El.Ed 1st Year session 2019-21


Regarding Teacher Training under Pre-Primary Education for selected 335 Primary Schools w.e.f 14-10-19 to 11-11-19

Regarding Teacher Training under Pre-Primary Education for selected 335 Primary Schools w.e.f 14-10-19 to 11-11-19


Regarding classroom for Pre Primary Children in selected 335 Primary schools

Regarding classroom for Pre Primary Children in selected 335 Primary schools


Documents required at the time D.El.Ed.-1st year Session 2019-21 admission

Documents required at the time D.El.Ed.-1 st year Session 2019-21 admission


Tender Notice 1 for Printing Material on A4 and Legal Size. Tender Notice 2 for Flex, sign board etc.

Tender Notice 1 for Printing Material on A4 and Legal Size. Tender Notice 2 for Flex, sign board etc.


Advertisement and Application format for the Posts of Block Resource Centre Co-Ordinator (BRCC) Primary & UP Primary ISSE (SSA/RMSA)



Regarding Remedial teaching for learning enhancement of students studying in class 9th under ISSE.

Regarding Remedial teaching for learning enhancement of students studying in class 9th under ISSE.


Implementation of Student database Management Information System (SDMIS) in 2017-18 as student tracking system (Reminder)

In reference with this office letter no No-Shiksha-BLS-JKL-DIET (SSA) MIS/2002-Voll-II 20708-21173 dated 13 March 2018 on subject cited above. In this connection the progress of this time bound task is very slow i.e. only 12% schools of the district has updated their information in the SDMIS portal. Higher authorities had taken the serious view in this matter and said that complete this task befor


USER Manual regarding Implementation of SDMIS in 2017-18

USER Manual regarding Implementation of SDMIS in 2017-18


"Attention to all School Heads " Implementation of Student database Management Information System (SDMIS) in 2017-18


O/O the Distt. Project Officer(SSA/RMSA)-cum-

Principal DIET Bilaspur at Jukhala

DatedJukhala17403313 th


Attention all Govt. School Heads ( Principals, Headmasters, Incharges GMS,CHTS and HTs ) Regarding Registration to Online GOI's Programme on School Leadership Programme

Attention all Govt. School Heads ( Principals, Headmasters, Incharge GMS,CHTS HTs ) Regarding Registration to Online GOI's Programme on School Leadership Programme

1. Letters of DPO.

2. Letter of SPD .


PCP ( Personal Contact Programme) Sessions (2 Years D.El.Ed.Course)in r/o DIET Bilaspur at Jukhala Center Code 470208001

PCP ( Personal Contact Programme) Sessions (2 Years D.El.Ed.Course)in r/o DIET Bilaspur at Jukhala Center Code 470208001


Regarding National achievement survey of class 10 for D El Ed students



Regarding A P J Abdul Kalam Vigyaan Kendra in DIET Bilaspur


Your kind attention is drawn towards the subject cited above. In this regard it is to say that to create a stimulating and engaging learning environment, and to raise a place where individual/s can visit and enjoy while exploring new ideas, a Science centre


Cluster level Teachers’ Orientation of Prayas Plus


O/o the Principal DIET cum DPO (SSA)

DIET Bilaspur at Jukhala, District Bilaspur (HP)

Jukhala-174033 Date-




Sub Categories
